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I am an odd person. I love books, break out into dance randomly, and gesture wildly when I speak with friends.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Mathematica Columbae

Courtesy of my good friend the Idiosyncrat I have found further proof of the awesomeness of PIGEONS! Below is a link to an article that explains how PIGEONS are one of the three species on earth, including humans, shown to understand abstract mathematics. GO PIGEONS GO!!!


PIGEON of December 2

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!! I hope everyone had a great holiday season. As I type this post I enjoy a glass of eggnog I made myself from scratch. In celebration of the season I present to you the second PIGEON of December, the CHRISTMAS IMPERIAL PIGEON! Named after its home Christmas Island this PIGEON lives in rain forests and eats mainly fruits as well as buds and leaves. This PIGEON also has a deep booming call unlike many other species. The CHRISTMAS IMPERIAL PIGEON is a very dark bird with tints of green, blue, and purple.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

1 Year Anniversary

As of this month I have been blogging about PIGEONS for a full year!!!!! I hope my blog has brought some other people happiness but regardless it has been a great thing for me. This blog has allowed me to fully explore my love of PIGEONS. A lot of things have happened in the last year. I graduated high school and went to college. I went to London. And just this month I met a real fancier, PIGEON racer. I took a lot of pictures but I need to photoshop some of them because the light was bad so look forward to that story in December. It has been a good year; lets try and make this next one even better!

PIGEON of November

In honor of turkey day for this month I have chosen a Turkish PIGEON to be the PIGEON of the Month. The TAKLA PIGEON is a TURKISH TUMBLER PIGEON. They come in many different colors with many different markings on their head and tails. Some TAKLA PIGEONS are kept to be flown in races; they are a low flying PIGEON. There are different sub-varieties of TAKLA PIGEONS based on color and minor size differences.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Ok so here are the first of my digital art class masterpieces. I hope you enjoy them.

Monday, October 31, 2011

PIGEON of October

Hey everyone I hope your having a happy halloween!! In honor of the holidays I have selected the ORANGE FRUIT DOVE to be the PIGEON of the month. The ORANGE FRUIT DOVE also known as the FLAME DOVE is native to the forests of Fiji. They are about 8 inches long and eat fruits and insects. The males have a bright orange body with a golden olive head. The females are dark green with a black tail and orange yellow head and under tail.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011


So my aunt is starting an online business where she will take a picture of a pet make it into a pillow, as well as other fancy pillows. She can also monoggram the pets name on the bottom of the pillow and add a thought bubble to the picture. So my mom is getting a pillow with a picture of our dog on it and said I should get one with a picture of a PIGEON on it. So the dilemma is what picture. Here are my favorites if you have a few that you like the most comment and let me know. I'll make a new post when I make my decision and you can help me decide if I want a thought bubble. Also bonus points to you if you recognize all the photos and double points if you can name all of them.


If you want an epic pet pillow visit my aunt's web sight www.priscillasposhpillows.com and order one.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

PIGEON of September

First post from college. Yay! For this month I thought I would stick with the East Coast since I live here now. So as I was searching East Coast PIGEONS and I found the PASSENGER PIGEON. The head and tail of the PASSENGER PIGEON was a slate blue, the back was grey and the breast was red; they were similar to the mourning dove but a little larger. There used to be billions of PASSENGER PIGEONS that would fly of the East Coast. According to those who saw them fly over it was as though a great cloud had blocked out the sun. Because they were so prevalent PASSENGER PIGEONS were easy to hunt and many people used them as a source of food. People would kill as many as possible, any they did not eat could be sold of feed to pigs. Unfortunately the seemingly never ending supply of PASSENGER PIGEONS could not withstand so much hunting and PASSENGER PIGEON became extinct.


Friday, August 5, 2011

PIGEON of August

This month I leave for college on the East Coast. So I have decided to make the the PIGEON of August one that lives in Boise. The MOURNING DOVE. I see MOURNING DOVES in my backyard all the time. These PIGEONS are common across the continental U.S. and are the most frequently hunted bird in North America. They are named for their call which sounds like a lament. They are a soft brown or tan color with black spots on their wings and tails.

Monday, July 4, 2011

PIGEON of July

Happy 4th of July everyone. Here to celebrate with us is a PIGEON with fireworks coming out of his head. The PIGEON of July is the VICTORIA CROWNED PIGEON. The VICTORIA CROWNED PIGEON is 29 inches long, weighs over 5 pounds, and is thought to be the largest PIGEON on earth. It is blue with a lacy white-tipped crest, a maroon chest, and red irises. The VICTORIA CROWNED PIGEON lives in the lowland and swamp forests of New Guinea and eats fruits, nuts, and invertebrates. It is also a threatened species, it is not endangered but it is vulnerable.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Of No Concern to PIGEONS (College Classes)

So, today I finished registering for my classes. I did not get into the drama tech class I wanted which makes me sad. Instead I am taking a digital art class, I hope it turns out to be fun, and I am planning to make many of my drawings of PIGEONS. In fact I am going to do my best to draw some of the GOD PIGEONS that I don't have pictures for. I may even be able to do some kind of comic staring the GOD PIGEONS. Wouldn't that be cool. I am really looking forward to college. Hopefully I will still have ample time to post but no matter what happens I promise to keep doing PIGEONS of the month.

PIGEONS in my life (June)

This post is slightly overdue but whatever. At my graduation I spent some time with a friend of the Idiosyncrat and she made a passing comment about a PIGEON. I immediately began bouncing around demanding PIGEON information and so the depths of my obsession was reveled. After taking a moment to absorb my quite odd behavior she spoke of her recent trip to a big city and how all the PIGEONS she saw appeared dirty and unkempt, she made a comment on how she finally understood why PIGEONS are called winged rats. I do not approve of this sentiment but there is reason behind it. Anyway while she was observing the RAT PIGEONS a new PIGEON descend. This PIGEON was possessed of a large white mohawk and upon his arrival began to strut about puffing up his chest. Henceforth this PIGEON shall be known as WHITE MOHAWK GOD PIGEON. I am very thankful to him for impressing on my new friend the variety, beauty, and hilarity that can so easily be found in PIGEONS if you only take the time to look. There is a good life lesson in that. PIGEONS for the Philosophy Win.

PIGEON of June

Now I don't know if any of you know this but this June is National Rose Month so I have chosen the ROSE-CROWNED PIGEON to be our PIGEON of June. The ROSE-CROWNED PIGEON is green with a grey chest, yellow belly, and a pink crown. This PIGEON is relatively small, about 22 cm, and also known as the ROSE-CROWNED FRUIT DOVE. They live in the costal north west and in eastern Australia.


Monday, May 9, 2011

PIGEONS in London

Hey everybody this post has been a long time coming but its finally here. The photos are from my London trip with the Idiosyncrat and Gabrielle over spring break. I took a lot of pictures on this trip and most were of pigeons. Here are the best photos and their stories.

The park near our hotel always had a flock of PIGEONS. Seeing them was a great way to start my morning.

This seemed to be the normal PIGEON in London. This coloration is darker than most PIGEONS at home. I hypothesize that this is because of all the soot that was around London not to long ago.

This PIGEON is an interesting brown color that I have not seen very often.

Another typical London PIGEON again very dark.

There were a bunch of PIGEONS in the square where we had lunch the first day and they really liked the side of this building.

This was the first really interesting PIGEON I saw. I love his eye masks and crown.

This is probably my favorite PIGEON from the trip. I didn't get a good shot of his face but I just loved the dark body with the white cap on his head.

SKULLCAP GOD PIGEON was quite a gentleman. On one occasion he knocked WOOING PIGEON, you'll meet him later, off of the building when he was bothering a female PIGEON.


This PIGEON stalked us! Everyday we walked around London we saw RED GOD PIGEON. I have looked at the photos and I am nearly positive it is the same PIGEON so either there where identical PIGEON chicks one year or this PIGEON was our London stalker. Maybe she recognized me as a PIGEON worshipper and decide she liked the attention.




Everywhere we went we saw male PIGEONS morph into WOOING PIGEON and dance to try and attract a mate.

And they all failed. Miserably.

But they kept trying. Hilariously.

This PIGEON was an interesting dingy brown color.

A lot of the PIGEONS in London had these speckled wings instead of the grey wings with black black stripes that are more common here. I really like it, London was full of gorgeous PIGEONS.

This PIGEON is just plain beautiful. She and SKULLCAP PIGEON would make an epic couple. The feathers on her neck are really cool, they almost look like scales.


At first glance she looks like WHITE MOTTLED GOD PIGEON but there are several differences. The stripes on her wings are black instead of brassy gray and the marks on her head and neck are different. 


He was one of the several solid dark PIGEONS I saw. They are very appealing in a stark way.

WOOING PIGEON strikes again. I wonder if later in the season the females get more receptive to the dance of the WOOING PIGEON or if I just never saw a successful WOOING PIGEON. Obviously some succeed or there would be no PIGEONS.

We went through another park near Buckingham Palace and saw a lot of these birds. They look like PIGEONS but they were all the same color and they were a little larger than your average ROCK PIGEON. They are probably another species of PIGEON but I don't know which. If you know please tell me.

This is two days after the initial RED GOD PIGEON sighting.

When we went to the Tower of London I saw all of these really scruffy PIGEONS. All the other PIGEONS I saw looked well kept but these were all grunge PIGEONS. I don't know why except that maybe no one feeds them because they want to feed the ravens in the Tower of London. I don't know it seems very strange.

This day we went to an old observatory and I saw this PIGEON on the walk up. The markings on the back of her head remind me of a headband.

The picture is a little blurry but I love the sense of expression, its so quizzical. 

Now we are in Stratford Upon Avon, the birthplace of Shakespeare. I was psyched to see an albino PIGEON after all the dark PIGEONS in London. Being out in the countryside the ancestors of this PIGEON missed all the soot so there was no impetus to be darker colors. 

In addition to being cool looking this PIGEON had an awesome attitude. Just check out her stance, it screams don't mess with me.

SPECKLED GOD PIGEON has got places to go so don't get in her way.

Both of the Stratford Upon Avon GOD PIGEONS and WOOING PIGEON. WOOING PIGEON does not know what he is getting himself into. 

Back in London on our last day. This PIGEON is a weird red color and it has a bizarre beak.

Epic PIGEON battle observed by BEAK GOD PIGEON.