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I am an odd person. I love books, break out into dance randomly, and gesture wildly when I speak with friends.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Of No Concern to PIGEONS (College Classes)

So, today I finished registering for my classes. I did not get into the drama tech class I wanted which makes me sad. Instead I am taking a digital art class, I hope it turns out to be fun, and I am planning to make many of my drawings of PIGEONS. In fact I am going to do my best to draw some of the GOD PIGEONS that I don't have pictures for. I may even be able to do some kind of comic staring the GOD PIGEONS. Wouldn't that be cool. I am really looking forward to college. Hopefully I will still have ample time to post but no matter what happens I promise to keep doing PIGEONS of the month.

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