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I am an odd person. I love books, break out into dance randomly, and gesture wildly when I speak with friends.

Friday, August 5, 2011

PIGEON of August

This month I leave for college on the East Coast. So I have decided to make the the PIGEON of August one that lives in Boise. The MOURNING DOVE. I see MOURNING DOVES in my backyard all the time. These PIGEONS are common across the continental U.S. and are the most frequently hunted bird in North America. They are named for their call which sounds like a lament. They are a soft brown or tan color with black spots on their wings and tails.


  1. :D I like this one! Are you going to do a pigeon from the east coast in your next post?

  2. I didn't know people hunted them! D=
    Guess it makes sense though...
    By the way, this is my favorite bird.
