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I am an odd person. I love books, break out into dance randomly, and gesture wildly when I speak with friends.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Of No Concern to PIGEONS (College Classes)

So, today I finished registering for my classes. I did not get into the drama tech class I wanted which makes me sad. Instead I am taking a digital art class, I hope it turns out to be fun, and I am planning to make many of my drawings of PIGEONS. In fact I am going to do my best to draw some of the GOD PIGEONS that I don't have pictures for. I may even be able to do some kind of comic staring the GOD PIGEONS. Wouldn't that be cool. I am really looking forward to college. Hopefully I will still have ample time to post but no matter what happens I promise to keep doing PIGEONS of the month.

PIGEONS in my life (June)

This post is slightly overdue but whatever. At my graduation I spent some time with a friend of the Idiosyncrat and she made a passing comment about a PIGEON. I immediately began bouncing around demanding PIGEON information and so the depths of my obsession was reveled. After taking a moment to absorb my quite odd behavior she spoke of her recent trip to a big city and how all the PIGEONS she saw appeared dirty and unkempt, she made a comment on how she finally understood why PIGEONS are called winged rats. I do not approve of this sentiment but there is reason behind it. Anyway while she was observing the RAT PIGEONS a new PIGEON descend. This PIGEON was possessed of a large white mohawk and upon his arrival began to strut about puffing up his chest. Henceforth this PIGEON shall be known as WHITE MOHAWK GOD PIGEON. I am very thankful to him for impressing on my new friend the variety, beauty, and hilarity that can so easily be found in PIGEONS if you only take the time to look. There is a good life lesson in that. PIGEONS for the Philosophy Win.

PIGEON of June

Now I don't know if any of you know this but this June is National Rose Month so I have chosen the ROSE-CROWNED PIGEON to be our PIGEON of June. The ROSE-CROWNED PIGEON is green with a grey chest, yellow belly, and a pink crown. This PIGEON is relatively small, about 22 cm, and also known as the ROSE-CROWNED FRUIT DOVE. They live in the costal north west and in eastern Australia.