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I am an odd person. I love books, break out into dance randomly, and gesture wildly when I speak with friends.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

PIGEONS in my Life (December)

    As I was walking to lunch with a friend I saw the most amazing PIGEON. Its body was white, it had to stripes on each wing in a faded rust color, and its head and neck were silver. I have never seen a silver PIGEON. Silver happens to be a favorite color of mine so I feel instantly in love with this PIGEON. When I told a friend about this PIGEON she decided it was a GOD PIGEON, she also decided it breathes lasers. So tremble in fear all you mortals I have seen the glory that is the LASER BREATHING GOD PIGEON.
    My friend and follower The Idiosyncrat saw a white pigeon with a silver neck. This sounds a lot like the LAZER BREATHING GOD PIGEON except that he had a silver head and neck. So I have decided that my friend has beheld the wonder of the LAZER BREATHING DEMIGOD PIGEON.

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