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I am an odd person. I love books, break out into dance randomly, and gesture wildly when I speak with friends.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

PIGEONS in my Life (December)

    As I was walking to lunch with a friend I saw the most amazing PIGEON. Its body was white, it had to stripes on each wing in a faded rust color, and its head and neck were silver. I have never seen a silver PIGEON. Silver happens to be a favorite color of mine so I feel instantly in love with this PIGEON. When I told a friend about this PIGEON she decided it was a GOD PIGEON, she also decided it breathes lasers. So tremble in fear all you mortals I have seen the glory that is the LASER BREATHING GOD PIGEON.
    My friend and follower The Idiosyncrat saw a white pigeon with a silver neck. This sounds a lot like the LAZER BREATHING GOD PIGEON except that he had a silver head and neck. So I have decided that my friend has beheld the wonder of the LAZER BREATHING DEMIGOD PIGEON.

Monday, December 13, 2010

PIGEON of December

    Hey everyone ready for more PIGEON madness. You know I am. To prove to the nonbelievers just how many different species of PIGEON there are I have decided to pick a favorite species every month. That should keep me busy for a while.
    Okay for the month of December I choose the ICE PIGEON. Unlike most PIGEONS the ICE PIGEON'S head, neck, and body are the same color. ICE PIGEONS come in spangled, barred, and barless patterns.