About Me

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I am an odd person. I love books, break out into dance randomly, and gesture wildly when I speak with friends.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

1 Year Anniversary

As of this month I have been blogging about PIGEONS for a full year!!!!! I hope my blog has brought some other people happiness but regardless it has been a great thing for me. This blog has allowed me to fully explore my love of PIGEONS. A lot of things have happened in the last year. I graduated high school and went to college. I went to London. And just this month I met a real fancier, PIGEON racer. I took a lot of pictures but I need to photoshop some of them because the light was bad so look forward to that story in December. It has been a good year; lets try and make this next one even better!

PIGEON of November

In honor of turkey day for this month I have chosen a Turkish PIGEON to be the PIGEON of the Month. The TAKLA PIGEON is a TURKISH TUMBLER PIGEON. They come in many different colors with many different markings on their head and tails. Some TAKLA PIGEONS are kept to be flown in races; they are a low flying PIGEON. There are different sub-varieties of TAKLA PIGEONS based on color and minor size differences.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Ok so here are the first of my digital art class masterpieces. I hope you enjoy them.