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I am an odd person. I love books, break out into dance randomly, and gesture wildly when I speak with friends.

Monday, March 21, 2011

PIGEONS in my Life (March)

As my friend the Idiosyncrat and I were looking up a PIGEON of March we came across this rather amazing picture. You see here a ROCK PIGEON and a Red Squirrel battling over some seeds. Now in my personal opinion the BATTLER GOD PIGEON will win hands down but I do admit that I am biased. The Idiosyncrat favors the Blood Demon Squirrel of Death. Either way enjoy the picture.

PIGEON of March

Hey sorry it's a little late but here is the PIGEON of the month for March. The CARRIER PIGEON was used with great success in both world wars. As St. Patricks day was celebrated this month it seemed only fittting to have an Irish PIGEON of the month. And what better PIGEON to honor than Paddy the CARRIER PIGEON. Paddy is the only Irish PIGEON to be awarded the Dicken Medal for bravery. Paddy made a flight from Normandy to Carnlough, France to Ireland, in a record breaking 4 hours and 50 minutes. Go Paddy!