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I am an odd person. I love books, break out into dance randomly, and gesture wildly when I speak with friends.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Of No Concern to PIGEONS (Poetry Out Loud)

    Today I competed in my school's Poetry Out Loud competition. I made passed the preliminaries but did not place. Last year I competed and won but this year had better competitors. The two poems I recited were "Alone" by Edgar Allan Poe and The Tyger by William Blake. I just realized that I know no poems about PIGEONS! I will have to correct this oversight quickly.

Monday, January 3, 2011

PIGEON of January

    Happy new year everyone. In honor of the new decade I have chosen the NEW ZEALAND PIGEON as the PIGEON of the month for January. The NEW ZEALAND PIGEON has a white body and a dark tail. The head, neck and wings are green with purple and bronze undertones.

Of No Concern to PIGEONS (Books)

    Hey everybody in addition to my insane love of PIGEONS I also have an insane love of books. To try and prove this insanity and because I thought it would be fun I have decided to keep a running tally of all the books I read this month.
    Holding the Dream by Nora Roberts. A love story about an overly stressed accountant charged with embezzlement, the same crime her father had committed before his death, and a hotel manager raised as a southern gentleman.
    Brazen Virtue by Nora Roberts. A love story between a mystery writer and a cop brought together by the death of the writer's sister. The first murder of of a serial killer who happens to be the son of the man expected to win the election for President. I had begun this book in December so it only counts as half a book. PIGEON quote "Now that the shouting was over, a PIGEON settled back on the asphalt".
    Pirate Curse by Kai Meyer. A story of two children who can walk on water. It takes place during the time of pirates. An evil force called the the Maelstrom is unleashing monsters into the world, and only the wave walkers can stop him. A ghost summoner saved the children when they were attacked by a monster, he explained to them about the Maelstrom and asked that they come with him to a special city to save the world. They agree and along the way pick up a pirate princess, a mischievous boy, a pirate captain, and a bulldog-headed man. The book ends with one of the wave walkers stranded on a island with the boy; and the other reaches the city with rest of their company. To be continued in another book.
    River's End by Nora Roberts. Olivia is the daughter of two hollywood stars, as a little girl she sees her father standing over the murdered body of her mother. Her father is convicted and sent to prison. Olivia goes to stay with her grandparents in the Olympic Rainforest, her only real contact with the outside world being the policeman who found her the night her mother died. Until the policeman's son decides to write a book about the death of Olivia's mother. Noah, the son, struggles to get Olivia to open up about her parents. Unfortunately for both of them Olivia is stalked by the man who murdered her mother.
    Fire Study by Maria V. Snyder. Book three of the Study series. Yelena has discovered her ability as a soulfinder but still fears her magic. Blood magicians are threatening her home and increase the possibility of a war between the two nations. The very war that Yelena has fought to prevent. Yelena must learn to accept her magic and risk losing all the people she cares about in order to save her world.
    Carnal Innocence by Nora Roberts. Famous violist Caroline comes to live in the home she recently inherited from her grandparents. Here she finds the town plagued by a brutal murderer. She also finds Tucker the man who may be the only one who can help her heal from an overly expectant mother and her cheating lover. Can Tucker get Caroline to open up to him, and will he lose her after she does.
   Northern Lights by Nora Roberts. A worn out cop, Nate, becomes the chief of police in Lunacy Alaska to escape the horror of his partners death. There he meets Meg, a rough and tumble bush pilot. Her father left when she was about ten and her mother has never really moved on. Then over the winter three boys try and climb the mountain No Name, they get caught by an avalanche and find the long dead body of Meg's father. Meg and Nate work to discover the identity of the killer.
     Rebellion by Nora Roberts. Serena MacGregor, a wild tempered scot, must come to terms with her hatred of the English if she is to accept her growing feelings for Lord Brigham. Brigham struggles to tame the heart of the wild Serena while organizing a rebellion to replace the German King of England with the exiled Prince Charles.
    Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop. The first book of a trilogy, this book covers the childhood of the girl who is Witch. Destined to be the ruler of the blood and more powerful than anyone could imagine. Jaenelle learns craft, the magic of the blood, from the ruler of hell and the father of her soul. Along the way she meets Lucivar a proud Eyerian warrior and Daemon know throughout the realm for his cruelty to those in power and his kindness to the low class. Both men recognize Jaenelle as the Witch they have waited to serve. And so Jaenelle's journey of betrayal, love, and power begins.
    Chesapeake Blue by Nora Roberts. The fourth book of the Chesapeake Bay series this book is the story of Seth, now grown up and a famous artist. Seth works to win the heart of Dru, the town's new florist, and keep his awful mother from hurting his family. The first three books were about three brothers raising the boy their father had taken in just before his death. Seth, the boy, had been rescued from an abusive alcoholic mother.
    The Donovan Legacy by Nora Roberts. This book is actually three books published together. They tell the stories of three cousins, who happen to be witches, as they fall in love. Morgana Donovan must convince screenwriter Nash Kirkland to believe in her magic and the love they share. Sebastian Donovan uses his gift of sight to help PI Mary Ellen Sutherland find the abducted child of a close friend. Anastasia Donovan has the gift of healing but can't overcome the heartbreak of having a past love reject her power; can Boone Sawyer help her trust again?
    Irish Rose by Nora Roberts. Erin takes a big risk in moving to America to accept a job at Three Aces, a famous racehorse farm. She takes an even bigger risk when she falls in love with the owner, Burke. When Burke suddenly proposes to her Erin accepts but can she live a life married to the man she loves when he never said he loved her?
   All right that does it for books in January. Thats 14 books if you count all three in Donovan Legacy. I also started a few other books but didn't finish them. So 14 books in 31 days. Thats a little less that a book every two days. This was a normal month for me too. We did have some three day weekends but I think that can be offset by the fact that I spent nearly everyday after school at a friends house playing Oblivion until evening. Well I hope you enjoyed my cataloging of all the books I read. I don't think I'll do this again for a long time.